Self-Discipline – 3 Tools to Make It Happen!

If self-discipline does not come naturally to you and for many of us, it does not; there are several ways to develop the habit. Tool 1: Develop a love affair with time. Whether your days are heavily structured or loosely sketched, there are daily routines which need attention. If getting up is an issue for you, set as many alarms as you need and learn to leave the snooze button alone. If you work in a structured environment, heavy with meetings, assignments, and events, it is especially important to review your schedule, both before you go to bed at night and first thing in the morning. Make a list of those tasks you absolutely hate and set a digital timer for 15-minute segments to tackle them until they are completed. Tool 2: Become proactive. This simply means anticipating something coming up in the future and taking any necessary action prior.

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Failure – 3 Keys to a Grateful Perspective

There are several key elements to “overriding” our negative definitions of failure and viewing our experiences in a positive light. KEY 1: DEFINE FAILURE OBJECTIVELY. There are times when we do not see the forest for the trees. Let’s say that you have concluded a work assignment you are convinced was an abject failure – nothing good came out of it. You had been asked to lead a pilot project for your group and it was supposed to last six months. At the end of that time, you find that the results were not even close to what was originally envisioned. From your perspective, you failed. From your boss’s perspective, the pilot did exactly what he wanted done – testing a new concept with little money lost, few resources used, and new perspectives on what might be done in the future. While he may be a bit disappointed with the.

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New to the Workplace – 3 Keys to Starting Out on the Right Foot!

Over the past thirty years in the United States, there has been a significant shift in when, where, and how young adults (teens) learn to adapt to working. These lessons previously were taught in the majority of homes, churches, and what used to be called “apprenticeships” for teens to work, many times in unpaid or very low paying jobs. Over time, a number of schools began teaching students, especially those in high school, some of the basics needed to work successfully. Prior to having voluntary military service, many young adults learned skills during their service tours, whether in the United States or abroad. Then we began an era of explosion in technology and a decrease in trades work, creating an imbalance in matching skills, abilities and interests. Now we face a national economy in distress, skyrocketing education costs, and high unemployment rates. It is therefore not surprising to see that.

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3 Keys to Successful Client Relationships

There are several key factors we need to keep in mind as we make these decisions and these come from our clients! Key 1: Problem Solving. Do we understand what our clients are really trying to accomplish? This is where we put on our detective hats and spend time during the beginning of the relationship and during critical touch points in the process. It does not hurt to have a general check list of questions in front of us when we are first meeting with them, especially if this is a virtual project. Are we prepared for changes in their original requests, based on new business conditions? Do we ask specific questions about timelines, especially when we look at our schedules and see “hot spots” with other clients’ needs? This suggests a “project management” approach to our business dealings, with “who, what, when, where, how and why” questions explored up.

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Three Key Practices for Successful Entrepreneurs

The truth about successful entrepreneurs, as they will openly and frankly admit themselves, is that typically years of hard work come before the “good times”. They have many qualities in common, regardless of the type of business ownership. There are several consistent practices they live by. Without using them; they usually say they would have been out of business! KEY 1: POSITIVE SELF- DISCIPLINE. From the first entrepreneurial sketch of what a business could look like, to the first year the business runs in the black, these business owners practice relentless self-discipline. From the moment they wake each morning, through the entire day, they have a sense of urgency about their business and the need to ensure they are staying on task. This means, among other things, that they avoid distractions like the plague. For those who work out of their homes, especially when the business is new, this can.

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Motivation can be direct or indirect, instructive or destructive, depending on the circumstances. I am so grateful to have had so many positive, motivating people and communications over the years and want to share some insights with you. Motivation for me at ages 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 were similar in some cases and very different in others. I do not have to tell you how very difficult life can be. In the very darkest moments, my faith in God, my family and friends made life bearable; I could see my way out of the darkest of tunnels. I am an avid reader, typically of material with a positive ending, so I continually search for comments, phrases, and others’ life lessons to propel me to take the next step – positive action. As an adult, I have always been drawn to motivational authors and speakers. I will say that.

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Entrepreneurs – Seven Habits to Make and Keep

What is a habit? Generally a habit is something you do or do not do repetitively. It can be as important to break a bad habit as it is to form a new good habit. Many experts have tips on how to accomplish this. Over time, I have found that it takes daily practice for a minimum of 30 days to own or disown a habit and another 60 days to place into your daily life so that you do not have to think about it at all – simply to do or not do something. Frankly, I have learned to take this one step at a time and work on one habit at a time to ensure long-term success. I use Outlook to remind myself at the beginning, with daily reminders, as well as sticky notes on a mirror if needed. You may want to use a mobile note,.

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Life Balance

When we are in the formative years, before age 18, our focus is usually driven by getting an education, forming relationships, and beginning to separate ourselves from a family unit, with parents and siblings, to learn how to create our own adult life. For many, this also means the beginning of adult responsibilities, getting a job, perhaps going into a permanent relationship with someone, starting a family, and discovering changes in our outlook on life as we begin to mature. We have dreams and plans; some of which work and some which do not, and our opinions of what these should be change over time. For those who have little or no experience with setting written goals, this can seem to be a formidable task. Yet, the rewards of taking the risk to decide what you want and how you would like it to look can be amazing. Using the.

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Tips for Successful Career Management

Have you ever missed an opportunity because you were not prepared? I have – one of those times nearly cost me my entire career. My lack of preparation did set my career back 10 years – a very, very painful experience. I spent a great deal of time looking at what I had done right and especially what I had done wrong. I talked with friends and professional associates at length – my final conclusion was that I had neglected some very basic steps. I began to correct the things most often noted and determined I would not let this happen to me again. Little did I know then that the lessons learned would become the basis for a comprehensive career management platform. Tip 1: Document Storage and Retrieval. Working on your home computer, look at all career-related documents you have stored. Are they all in one area where you.

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Dreams Can Come True

We dreamed so much as children, but for some of us, we somehow lost this wonderful tool.  Would you agree that if we want a difference in our lives, we need to evaluate where we have been and where we are now?  Then would you agree that we have to be willing to change, evaluate, plan, implement and assess to make the change worthwhile? I would love to hear your thoughts –

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