
Becoming a Master Student

Pulled a dog-eared book down today – the 6th edition of Becoming a Master Student, editor Dave Ellis. Google’d it and found newest edition, the 14th, due out Jan.2012. Fantastic resource no matter your age or occupation (great resource for your kids too) and available on Amazon for pre-order.

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Want to “wash” panic away at home and work?

Remember the scene from the movie South Pacific?  She wants to simply wash that man right out of her hair!  Of course, she realizes that does not fix her problem.  When you miss an appointment, deadline, meeting or at least are flatly unprepared, you have several choices.  You can panic – which is a very common reaction (and I have been guilty!).  Then what?  You take ownership of the issue and then look at the underlying problem.  While there are many answers, one of the key ingredients is typically lack of organization.  What is your recipe for creating calm out of panic?

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Opportunity in life

Everything in life is a choice…even in how you spend time with friends and how much you choose to trust them with what is most important in your life!

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As site administrator, I welcome you to a new feature of  This blog will provide the opportunity for you to quickly locate the most up-to-date information on personal and career development from Georgia Day.

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