
If you are looking for direction in your career, or want validation you are moving in the right direction, you need to call Georgia Day. I have known Georgia for over seven years now and jump at any opportunity to collaborate with her.

Georgia is one amazing woman who has the innate ability to hone in on your talents, skills, abilities and help you see them for what they are. She is an exceptional professional and personal coach that is more concerned about what you need to hear than how you will feel when you hear it. She is direct but gentle in her approach while telling you the way “it is”. She will help you get a new perspective right when you need it and motivate you in ways that will put success in your path with a capital S.

Working with Georgia has enriched my life. She started out as my collaborator and quickly became my coach. She is now the first person I call when I need to validate my professional direction or evaluate my life balance. She will enrich your life. She will change your life. She will help you make a difference.

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